Saturday, November 26, 2005

Koning winter is gearriveerd

Vrijdag kostte me het 7 1/2 uur om thuis te komen, mede door sneeuw en files. Wat duidelijk was, is dat de wegbeheerder zijn zaakjes niet voor elkaar had; eerder werd nog preventief gestrooid, nu te laat (of niet, door de files).
Op de A1 stond het vast, omdat trucks geen grip hadden op de weg tussen Apeldoorn-Zuid en afslag Kootwijk/Harderwijk; de weg gaat daar namelijk de hoogte in. Als daar nu zwaar materieel was ingezet, om deze vrachtwagens weg te slepen, dan had niemand op de A1 's nachts in de file hoeven te slapen...
Als winterbanden nu eens verplicht werden gesteld....
Als de lease maatschappijen daar nu eens mee begonnen....
Dan was dit allemaal niet zo erg geweest. Maar dan is er geen agent te vinden - ja, de eenzame BOA, die z'n flitser opbergt, omdat er met 3km/uur geen geld te verdienen valt voor baassie Spee... Zielig he?

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Getting spammed...

In order to get rid of comment spam, I had to turn on Word Verification for comments. Don't let this prevent you from commenting....
Sorry, but there seems no other way; I have been deleting unrelated comments on a regular basis, and quite frankly, got fed up.

Friday, October 21, 2005 2.0 officially released!

The beta, released in June, finally has a successor!

Insanity or safety?

The US government seems to be sure that the US economy does not need tourism.
In yet another attempt to distract attention from domestic problems and failures, the US government has decided that everybody, flying to the US of A needs to indicate the details of their whereabouts for the duration of the stay.
Really, the US of A will get safer... No, really!

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Finally: Enterprise Security

It's about time, so here we go:
Stop the 9i instance on my test server (limited memory...) and the listener, kick 10g Release 1 into live, and a listener, and start all iAS processes:
[oracle10@csdb01 oracle10]$ lsnrctl start
LSNRCTL for Linux: Version - Production on 25-SEP-2005 14:42:31
Copyright (c) 1991, 2004, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Starting /o/oracle10/10gR1/bin/tnslsnr: please wait...
TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production
Services Summary...
Service "PLSExtProc" has 1 instance(s).
Instance "PLSExtProc", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
Service "o10gR1" has 1 instance(s).
Instance "o10gR1", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
The command completed successfully

[oracle10@csdb01 oracle10]$ sqlplus "/ as sysdba"
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Sun Sep 25 14:42:40 2005
Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Connected to an idle instance.
SQL> startup
ORACLE instance started.
Total System Global Area 285212672 bytes
Fixed Size 778856 bytes
Variable Size 120593816 bytes
Database Buffers 163577856 bytes
Redo Buffers 262144 bytes
Database mounted.
Database opened.
[oracle10@csdb01 oracle10]$ /o/ias10/opmn/bin/opmnctl startall
opmnctl: starting opmn and all managed processes...
[oracle10@csdb01 oracle10]$ /o/ias10/bin/emctl start iasconsole
TZ set to Europe/Amsterdam
Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application Server Control Release
Copyright (c) 1996, 2004 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Starting Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application Server Control ....... started successfully.
[oracle10@csdb01 oracle10]$ /o/ias10/oca/bin/ocactl start

OracleAS Certificate Authority 10g (10.1.2)

Copyright (c) 2003, 2004, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

OracleAS Certificate Authority administrator password:
OCA service started.

[oracle10@csdb01 oracle10]$
OK - ready for test 1: Verify the Database Server can Bind to OID; actually, I already did that, but here is the code once more:
ldapbind -h csdb01 -p 3160 -U 3 -W file:/etc/wallets/oracle10 -P welcome1
That results in a successful bind, and concludes test1.
Second in test (if you are wondering where these tests come from: it's the March 2005 revision of Metalink note 185275.1): Verify the database is registered:
SQL> show parameter RDBMS_SER NAME TYPE VALUE ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ rdbms_server_dn string
Hmm.. Need to change that:
SQL> alter system set 2 rdbms_server_dn='CN=o10gR1,CN=OracleContext,DC=nl, DC=cs' scope=spfile; System altered.
OK Done. Need to bounce the database; and verify:
NAME TYPE VALUE ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ rdbms_server_dn string CN=o10gR1,CN=OracleContext,DC= nl, DC=cs
Make sure you have the server in the correct context in the Enterprise Security Manager!

Steps 3 through 6 have been completed successfully, here are some snapshots:


Continued Jan, 25th, 2006: and this is where it ended... Why this post was in draft status for so long, I don't remember; I do remember however, I got really fed up with the horrible errors I received when testing the lot.
The listener core dumped, as well as under Windows, as under Linux. For all of these versions:,, and 10.2! By the time I'd figured all that out, I failed to see the (probable) cause of all this: dn has domain suffix in the wrong sequence. Just reread the 'Enterprise Security' threads... ;).

In the mean time, I discussed the setup and possibilities with a collegue, and he got it to work. Seen it, helped him out, just (...) need to document it properly. Will be done, rest assured.
Edit: Well, I got it working, finally - just take a look here.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Oracle announces plan to buy Siebel

What's going on here?!? Somebody is executing "if you can't beat 'em, buy 'em" on a massive scale, or what?
We'll see - hopefully it isn't going to be a Peoplesoft replay.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Kijk, da's Sam, "mijn" hond. Ik voel me niet echt prettig bij het idee van eigendom bij levende wezens, vandaar "mijn" tussen aanhalingstekens. Het is net zozeer mijn hond als mijn kinderen mijn eigendom zijn - niet dus.

Sam, 7 weken

En hier zijn 'the brothers in arms', gebroederlijk in 1 mand:

Sam en Sepp
Sepp is van mijn vrouw, en is inmiddels drie. Hij heet Sepp, omdat hij eigenlijk een duitse staande draadhaar zou worden; naar Sepp in het boek van Rien Poortvliet. Of naar Sepp Maier - wat je wilt. Uiteindelijk is het een Epagneul Français geworden, omdat onze eerste hond, Terry, dat ook was. Een afdankertje, maar wat hebben wij een plezier aan dat beest beleefd! Eigenlijk hebben we daarna nooit zonder hond gezeten, en nu dus twee. Prima honden, afkomstig van de kennel Fleur de Zelande. Wel een eind rijden, maar de moeite waard! Hier is nog een andere site, waar de fokster Jessica zelf op te zien is.
Vooruit, hier is er nog een, uit Februari 2005:

Sam, 6 maanden. En voor de volledigheid, Sepp in zijn jonge jaren:

Sepp, 10 weken

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Magnetic RAM (MRAM) and Spintronics

The latest RAM (Random Access Memory) chips are based on the spinning of electrons, not on the mere presence of electrons.

Many of you know, electrons are negative particles, circling around a positively charged atomic nucleus. Modern physists have problems with that image, as the electron is not just a particle, it's also a wave. And, on top of that, not only does an electron circle around a nucleus, it also spins, circles around itself.
It either spins clockwise, or anti-clockwise (you could also say: it always spins in the same direction, but some electrons stand on their head). This could just as well represent a binary '0' or '1' as (electrical) tension, or current. And that is what MRAM is all about.

As you were told in highschool, electric current and magnetic fields always go hand-in-hand. Move a magnetic field, and you will get an electric current; an electric current will generate a magnetic field.
Transformers are built on this principle: you send (alternating) current through a wire, thus generating an alternating magnetic field. You place a coil in that magnetic field, and a current will result from that. As the magnetic field itself "moves" (it alternates), your coil will keep picking it up. Another rule was the corkscrew rule, defining the relation between force, direction of current and magnetic field direction.

Now, remember those pickup coils on the magnetic drums called computer storage? Those coils actually had to pick up the magnetic field, causing a minute change in electric current (one percent would be normal). Higher density disks, with higher throughput, call for those magnetic fields to become smaller, but also for pick up mechanisms to become smaller. All this causes more 'noise', thus making it extra hard to distinguish the noise from the signal.
Until... Giant Magnetoresistance (GMR) was discovered by Albert Fert and Peter Grünberg, back in 1988. This phenomena, best compared to an optical filter like Polaroid glass, causes a change in magnetic fields to be amplified so that the signal-to-noise ratio improves tenfold. Changes in currents would be 10 percent or more (as opposed to one).

A pickup head would be made out of two parts: a fixed magnetic component combined with a variable magnetic component, glued together with a conductive layer. The variable magnetic component would alter with the passing of a magnetic field (from the platter), and just like light with the rotating of two Polaroid glass sheets, current can either pass easily, or not at all. Well, harder, as due to miniaturization, there is a lot of leaking, but as said, ten percent change in current would be doable.
Disk manufacturers, like IBM, have been using the spinning of electrons on disk platters since some time now (there's a beautiful animated explanation on the IBM website), and the size of the magnetic structures has gone back to some 30 by 200 nm (1 nm = 10^-9 m), some 30 nm apart. All this races underneath a pickup head that flies a couple of nanometers above the platters, which has to be able to distinguish billions of magnetic field changes every second.

The next step.

Some years later, magnetic tunneling was discovered. The first thesis was published in 1995 by Jagadeesh Moodera, and the main difference between the pickup element above, which comprised of three (electrically) conductors, the two magnetic layers are no longer separated by a conductive layer, but by an insulator.
Making this layer thin enough (we're talking atoms here; three to five atoms thickness), electrons can tunnel their way through. Now, we're on quantummechanics territory here, not my forte, but the mechanism is much like the electrical tunneling as used in diodes, e.g. I'll leave it with that. And with the remark, that this tunneling effect makes the difference between passing of electrons increase to 50 or 60%.

Last fall, the first prototype of an MRAM memory chip was presented by Motorola and Cypress Semiconductor. According to some, it's not just a prototype, but a working product, available to companies that want to incorporate it in their products. It's capacity (256 kilobit) is not large enough for any serious use (even your phone uses several Megabit!), but it's a serious start.

By now companies like IBM, Motorola and not since long, Intel, are planning commercial introduction of MRAM, so not much details are revealed. It must be clear, that all has to become smaller, and faster. If all that comes true, picture this:
cellular phones and MP3 players which need recharging only when used. PC's starting up in seconds or less, because the Operating System is loaded off MRAM.
Watch your local store this autumn.

Want to keep up-to-date? Take a look here

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Holiday Season

It's been a while since I posted here. Partly because I've been busy, partly because it's the holiday season, and I value outdoor life over sitting behind a desk when the weather is nice. Enjoying the barb (just purchased a new, larger model), dogs, whine, sun, etc. Which reminds me...

Things I still want to write about:
  • BPEL. IDC wrote a favorable report on BPEL and the use my employer made in local governmental solutions, unfortunately not a public report, but you can have it for $4,000 US. Or contact me, of course.
    The solution even brought us the Oracle 2005 Innovation Award. As I have been involved in the architecture, and was also involved in Web+ (before being knocked down and went out-of-business for a year) in the beginning, this is something I'm proud of.
    The Message Bus and Operational Data Store stuff comes right out of a presentation I gave to the Arnhem civil servants on Data Integration (part of the BRIN project), back in early 2003. The idea is a spin off of the VIAG project, back in 2001.

  • The dogs we have, two Epagneul Français. They give my wife and I a lot of comfort and joy. And they're cute in a sort of way a 35 kg dog can be cute. Very ancient race, goes back to the 12th(!) century.

  • RMAN. Started a booklet, an adventure with RMAN some time ago. Should be finished and published.

  • HTMLDB. Been working with HTMLDB for the last couple of weeks, and I'm impressed. If you haven't done so, take a look at it. There's a playground with Oracle itself, so go ahead and request a workspace. The site just updated to V2.0, which cannot be downloaded yet. Haven't seen in V2.0 much to be impressed by, yet.
    No, I wasn't impressed by the graphics/dropdown stuff. It's implementation I find clumsy, with Javascript, where it could have been XML/DHTML. For some good examples, take a look at Stu Nicholls CSS Playground. All the pictures and stuff could be replaced by Snazzy Bordered Menus. Take a big byte out of your traffic - not a page on the project I do now, exceeds 7kB - yes, that's seven KiloByte!

  • Belgium. Forgot to congratulate our Southern neighbours with their 175th anniversary. Nou, awel, alsnog dan bij deze, eh mannekes? Ik vat er nog wel een pintken op! Of twee.

  • Enterprise Security part X - wrap up. Yes, I know... TDE works though.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Ten Commandments for Database Design

We're moving. The office where I work, that is. Shifting through old contracts, articles and designs, I came across a ten year old series by R.J. Veldwijk, called the Ten Commandments for Good Database Design.
They still are true, and probably always will be. Here they are, in short form. I could elaborate, as I have, and keep, the articles, but I'll give the condensed version here for now:

  1. Thou shalt not allow non-atomic data in thy database.
  2. Thou shalt normalize thy design.
  3. Thou shalt strive towards minimizing thy constraints.
  4. Thou shalt not create hierarchical generalizations.
  5. Thou shalt fear the problem of history.
  6. Honour thy documentation: that thy days may be long upon thee.
  7. Thou shalt not fear the modeling of functional aspects.
  8. Thou shalt strive for abstract data models.
  9. Thou shalt take care of thy application structure.
  10. Thou shalt not take gurus' advice for granted.
I like the last one; take good notice of it!

Monday, July 11, 2005

10g Release 2: buggy install scripts?

I tried to install Oracle 10g release 2 yesterday, and I noticed I could not choose what options to install. Did not think much of it, then, but looking at some database options, that are now moved to the companion CD, I still do not have the option to choose; I simply get Workflow along with the database Example schemas...
Humanum erare est...

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Oracle 10G Transparant Data Encryption How to

In my previous post, I already mentioned I misssed the Advanced Security option in my environment. The Database Creation Assistant (dbca) does not allow to add this afterwards, either. Maybe because it does not know what's installed and what isn't, because there is no entry in the (location changed!) oradim file.
Anyway, the beginning looks hopeful.

Step1: Create a Wallet Location.
Oracle does not know where to store the wallet. This can be accomplished by adding the following to sqlnet.ora on the server:
# Added for Transparent Data Encryption:
     (DIRECTORY = /etc/wallets/oracle102)

Step2: Create a wallet.
Open a new session, use the following command to create an empty wallet:

System altered.
SQL> host ls /etc/wallets/oracle102
Seems to work - Oracle does not recommend this way of setting the wallet location, but the use of ENCRYPTION_WALLET_LOCATION; use this specifically for this purpose; the wallet_location is more generic, and could cause problems with Enterprise Security.
OK - as I still need a signed, auto-login certificate, I use the Oracle Certificate Autority Server as done before. Certificate #7 was issued.
As I use the good old password I use for Demo certificates, I then have to issue:
System altered.
Seems unneccesary; it's an auto login wallet

Step 3: Create a user.
Looks Promising, let's continue:

SQL> create user scott identified by tiger;
User created.

SQL> grant create session, create table, create view, create sequence to scott;
Grant succeeded.

Mind you: one of the features of 10g Release 2 is that the connect role has been stripped, basically forcing you to think about security! A change for the better, I'd say!

SQL> alter user scott quota unlimited on users;
User altered.
SQL> connect scott/tiger
SQL> create table enc_demo (col1 number(10), col2 varchar2(30));
Table created.

SQL> insert into enc_demo values(1,'First test Data Encryption');
1 row created.

SQL> insert into enc_demo values(2,'Transparent Encryption used!');
1 row created.

SQL> commit;
Commit complete.

SQL> select * from enc_demo;
---------- ------------------------------
1 First test Data Encryption
2 Transparent Encryption used!

Step 4: Encrypt!
SQL> alter table enc_demo modify col2 encrypt;
Table altered.

SQL> select * from enc_demo;
---------- ------------------------------
1 First test Data Encryption
2 Transparent Encryption used!

Hmmmm.... That is not encrypted... Or would it be decrypted on-the-fly? Now, when and how do I get to see glibberish?!? OK, maybe I should read before jumping...
SQL> connect / as sysdba
System altered.

SQL> select col2 from scott.enc_demo;

Still shows the data... to be continued!
According to this article by Arup Nanda, the databases comes with a pre-configured wallet. As seen, this is not true; a default wallet will be created after the ALTER SYSTEM SET ENCRYPTION KEY command.
And only after you defined the location of the wallet in your sqlnet.ora file.

Also, he describes a way to create an encrypted dump; however following his example to the letter (cut-n-paste) results in ERROR at line 17:
ORA-00923: FROM keyword not found where expected
Trimming the identified by part will result in aliasing the column, giving a column called 'encrypted'. And the data is still readable... to be continued!

OK, after some discussions on the internet, the lot became clear with the help of Tom Kyte. Basically, what I did to check wether the data was actually encrypted to disk, was a 'grep -a [datafile] Encryption'. This does show results, and I (wrongly) concluded, encryption was not done.
So, what's the case:
  • First of all, it's called Transparent for a reason - once set up, you will not notice. Yes, the result of a select will be as usual - readable, that is.
  • Secondly, you have to know the inner workings of Oracle; the original data is moved away, and has become unaccessable to Oracle - but it's there! Block dumping, instead of ousing grep or strings, should help - more on that!
  • Thirdly - Transparent data encryption works, but beware of side effects:
    1. data still shows up after alter table modify column encrypt;
    2. you could do a flashback query, and go back to the time the data was still unencrypted.
OK - this concludes this entry, more in another.

How to install 10G Release 2

Downloaded the latest Oracle software as it was made available, Wednesday. Finally got around installing it. Plenty of good documentation out there; of course Werner Puschitz , my reference for Oracle installs on Linux, has the details already.
And, one could always start by reading the Installation Manual by Oracle, or just read on. With this wealth of resources already in place, this will be a crash installation course...

Let's start by explaining I already have 9iRel2 and 10gRel1 installed on my "database server", running White Box Linux, so it's not exactly on a clean machine, I'm running this excercise...
I start with creating a new software owner, with the groups, that go with it:
[root@csdb01 root]# groupadd dba102
[root@csdb01 root]# groupadd oinstall102
[root@csdb01 root]# useradd oracle102 -g oinstall102 -G dba102 -c "Oracle 10G Release 2 software Owner"

Now, check if I got the latest required packages installed (courtesy to Werner):
[root@csdb01 root]# rpm -q make gcc glibc compat-db compat-gcc compat-gcc-c++ compat-libstdc++ compat-libstdc++-devel openmotif21 setarch libaio

libaio is not mentioned in the Oracle Installation Guide Prerequisites but will be handy lateron... Kernel version is ok, too:
[root@csdb01 root]# uname -r

As I have more installs of Oracle, I know kernel and memory settings are OK. Time to get the downloaded zip file, unzip it and give it correct ownership:
[root@csdb01 10201]# cd /o/share/install/oracle
[root@csdb01 oracle]# mkdir 10201
mkdir: cannot create directory `10201': File exists
[root@csdb01 oracle]# cd 10201
[root@csdb01 10201]# unzip ../
[root@csdb01 10201]# chown oracle102:oinstall102 -R ../10201
[root@csdb01 10201]# ll
total 4
drwxr-xr-x 6 oracle102 oinstall102 4096 Jul 2 19:09 database

Looks good... time to start Xterm...
Downloading Cywin X-term, but in the mean time, I'll use vnc, so telinit 5 and start vnc: vncserver.
But then:
[root@csdb01 root]# su - oracle102
[oracle102@csdb01 oracle102]$ cd /o/share/install/oracle/10201/database/
[oracle102@csdb01 database]$ ./runInstaller
You do not have sufficient permissions to access the inventory '/o/oracle10/oraInventory'. Installation cannot continue. Make sure that you have read/write permissions to the inventory directory and restart the installer.: Permission denied

Oops! I have already mentioned it, I have other versions installed as well. What I run into now, is the odd thing of Oracle, to have one central file that indicates where the software inventory resides. As I want different releases installed and running, I have different software owners (allows me to test patches independently!). I have to simulate a clean machine, by removing the 10G Release 1 file:
[root@csdb01 10201]# mv /etc/oraInst.loc /etc/oraInst10R1.loc
[root@csdb01 10201]# cp /etc/oraInst10R1.loc /home/oracle10/
Just to be on the safe side...
Let's give it a retry... Hm. It's just not my day... I know what is wrong here, and I just forgot:
[oracle102@csdb01 database]$ Xlib: connection to ":1.0" refused by server
Xlib: No protocol specified

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.InternalError: Can't connect to X11 window server using ':1.0' as the value of the DISPLAY variable.

Need to issue xhost + as root, in an X window. That's all...
Finally, I get the Oracle Universal Installer screen... Of course, I want an Advanced Installation. Leave the Inventory location (/home/oracle102/oraInvemtory) and the ownership (oinstall102) as it is. As for the options, I would go for the Standard Version, but I want to have a look into embedded encrypted columns, and I have a feeling that's EE only.... So check EE. Change the install location, and -to my surprise- kernel checks fail:
Checking for rmem_default=262144; found rmem_default=65535. Failed <<<<
Checking for rmem_max=262144; found rmem_max=131071. Failed <<<<
Checking for wmem_default=262144; found wmem_default=65535. Failed <<<<
Checking for wmem_max=262144; found wmem_max=131071. Failed <<<<

Something new, I suppose?!? Well, starting the install with a real Windows End User attitude (run first, read later when failures), I should not be surprised. I will deal with them later, before creating the database, which I always do using scripts.
There is a change in the installer, too: it now asks what I want: create a database, just install the software, or configure ASM (Automatic Storage Management). Now, as far as I looked into ASM, I'll need disk farm(s), volumes, or mount points for it - and I never anticipated that when setting up this "server", so ASM is a no-go for the time being. I'll go for the db creation (hoping I can stop at the last moment). Of course, I go for the Advanced Database creation, with the options to pick. There are no options to pick for the database install; you'll just get the lot!
While the installation process is humming, that gives me the time to change the kernel parameters. Edit the /etc/sysctl.conf file, and add the release 2 stuff (in addition to the 10G Release 1 and iAS stuff):
# Oracle specific requirements...
kernel.sem=250 32000 100 128
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range=1024 65000

# Oracle iAS Specific...

# Oracle 10g Release 2 additions

core.rmem_default = 262144
core.rmem_max = 262144
core.wmem_default = 262144
net.core.wmem_max = 262144

According to the manual, you should now boot. Very windows - you are not loading a new kernel, you are just changing kernel boundaries, and you go do that dynamically, using the sysctl -p command. Also, according to the kernel parameter section you do not need the net.core prefix; I needed them, sysctl did not understand the way the parameters are presented in the Oracle Installation Manual. First documentation bug for 10G Release 2 found?
In the mean time, installation and linking is done, the net configuration assistant has completed, and I start the Database Configuration Assistant. I do not have some Enterprise options, like UltraSearch and Advanced Security. Anyway; the database scripts have been created and saved. Time to logon as the new oracle owner, and tidy up:
Edit .bash_profile (I know, some people want another file, but I am used to this, and the difference between su - oracle and su oracle):
# Oracle 10G Release2 Specifics...
export ORACLE_BASE=/o/oracle10
export ORACLE_SID=o10gR2
export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.20
export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH:.:/sbin:/usr/sbin:

Exit, and activate:
. .bash_profile
Note, there's a dot and a space to start with! Alter listener and tnsnames, and (re-)start the listener. Make sure you have something like:
Service "o10gR2" has 1 instance(s).
Instance "o10gR2", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service...

Then you know it's ok.
Checked the scripts, init file and CreateDb.sql. Found something new to me: smallfile:
create database ....
datafile ....

Of course, neede to change the MAXSIZE UNLIMITED to reasonable sizes (2~4GB), but for the system tablespace.
The logfiles are of a reasonable size, finally: 50M, not something for a production system, but OK for my purposes. And of course, still have to change the "set echo on" in CreateDBCatalog.sql to "set echo off". I mean, catalog creation log files of a couple of hundred kB - who reads 'em anyway?!? Back in the 7.3.4 and 8.0 days, I usually added a termout off as well.
Anyway, after some time, I get this:
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Sun Jul 10 14:19:58 2005
Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Connected to:
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options

and, after fiddling tnsnames.ora on my client:
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Sun Jul 10 14:25:35 2005
Copyright (c) 1982, 2004, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Connected to:
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options

And that's what this was all about! Let's try some of
the New Features!

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

JDeveloper & ADF: Free for Development

Looks nice, this JDeveloper & ADF Pricing model, a new license model, shifting towards use, not development.
However, will HTML DB V2 become not-free? Is Oracle just playing with license terms and conditions, and thus creating FUD? We'll see - this looks like a nice touch; sorry for everyone that paid the license fees recently, pushed by Oracle reps closing the fiscal year.

Web Developer Extension

If you ever do some Web development, take a serious look at the Web Developer Extension. You will wonder how you ever delivered code without it!

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Oracle and TimesTen

Now, after Oracle aquired Peoplesoft, it's time for Oracle and TimesTen. Real-time data management software - should I buy communication stock?

Watch out II

Surprise, surprise!
Niall left a comment on the original post (thank you, Niall), pointing out the fact that spaces (or, presumably, the lack thereof!) can mess up a tnsnames.ora file.
So, I tried to tidy up the original post, to include spaces in the output as well, thus allowing to a copy-'n-paste job. Believe me, those spaces were in the source! Blogger just chooses to ignore them (space saving, I presume). Anyway, using the sequence it should now look OK.

I saw some brackets on places they might cause misunderstanding, and tried to tidy that up as well. Long story short: lost track of how many spaces and brackets were required, and ended up testing both entries once more, and looks here:

Attempting to contact (description = (address=(protocol=BEQ)(PROGRAM=OrAcLe) (ARGV0=oracleDB920) (ARGS='(DESCRIPTION=(LOCAL=YES)(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=BEQ)))')) (CONNECT_DATA =(SID=DB920)))
OK (20 msec)

Please note, there is no platform that has an executable, called OrAcLe, and yet the test succeeds, where it failed before!

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Enterprise Security VIII: Getting there....

Phew! Finally got the ldapbind issue out of the way. The solution was simple: define LD_LIBRARY_PATH. I never did, as I did not anticipate writing programs on this platform.
That will tech me!

So, if you ever run into messages like:
ldapbind: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory, remember this:
and your ldapbind will probably result in a:
bind successfull

To be continued...

As a replacement to setting up your own Certificate Authority, take a look at this handy utility, GOSSL. I am setting up a web server in test right now, and will update with the results. Currently, it's looking good: Windows (2003 server) and Internet Explorerer (V6) have no problems with the new CA certificate, generated by GOSSL, nor with the server certificate.
Firefox still claims the server certificate is broken, although the CA is happily accepted.

Watch for updates - openssl used to be a part of the Oracle Apache installs (see your %ORACLE_HOME%\Apache\openssl directory) and is of course a far more lightweight -and thus more elegant, in my opinion- way to accomplish generation of CA and other digital certificates.
As more often the case, Oracle succeeded in creating an elephant from an ant.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Enterprise Security VII: Finishing

More certificates...
I still need a client certificate, and I ran into some problems with that. I do not have abundant memory on my server, so I tend to shutdown services I do not use on a regular basis, and just leave the 10g and 9i instances running.
So, what I actually had done, was:
/o/ias10/bin/emctl stop iasconsole
/o/ias10/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopall

/o/ias10/opmn/bin/opmnctl startall
/o/ias10/bin/emctl start iasconsole

would reverse that. And even though the Enterprise Manager control for the Certificate Autority shows it's up and running, the screen itself will not come up. You can try to stop and start, using OEM, until hell freezes over, but it won't give in. There is no other way I have found than:
/o/ias10/oca/bin/ocactl start
and enter the password (I did default to welcome1 all over, so that one works).
Once I did get that to work, getting a certificate was done in a jiffy.
By the way, there is something like the Oracle PKI Utility or orapki, that you might want to use to create certificates in wallets. Saves you from setting up Applications Servers, Certificate Authorities and all that. If I had known that earlier... that ought to teach me to read the documentation....

Network changes
Now that I have certificates for both server and client, I need to configure both the server and the client.
Server configuration
On the server side, all I need to do is indicate where the wallet is to be found. This is accomplished by the following addition to sqlnet.ora:
(DIRECTORY = /etc/wallets/oracle10)

and by changing the listener.ora file. Add these lines:
(DIRECTORY = /etc/wallets/oracle10)

and make sure the listener can also resolve secured requests, add the following to the listener description list:

Port 2484 is a default, suggested by Oracle. Stop and start the listener after these changes, and check with lsnrctl status; I want to see the endpoint with secure TCP:
Listening Endpoints Summary...
(DESCRIPTION= .[snipped ].

Rest assured, you can all do this by using the Net Configuration Assistant, see the Oracle Advanced Security Administrator's Guide for more details.

Client configuration
On the client, changes are similar; change the sqlnet.ora file to include the wallet location:
(DIRECTORY = C:\Documents and Settings\frankbo\ORACLE\WALLETS)

Make sure the client can use SSL secured TCP:
Mark the SSL version (SSL V3.0)
Require authentication:
And match the server name DN (I'll come to that!):

That concludes the sqlnet.ora changes. Now for the tnsnames.ora:
O1003.CS.NL =

I highlighted the changes in red: I want to use SSL secured TCP (tcps), on another port than the standard 15xx range (2484), and I want to match the server dn - it's in the Server Certificate , I requested and installed earlier. Copy this dn exactly!

Now that this is all done, it's time to test, and hopefully you will see what I saw:

Used TNSNAMES adapter to resolve the alias
)(HOST = = 2484))) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = o10gR1))
OK (80 msec)

C:\>sqlplus system@o1003
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Jun 1 20:12:41 2005
Copyright (c) 1982, 2004, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Enter password:

Connected to:
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options


Now, for the next step - Authentication through Certificates!

Saturday, May 28, 2005

No milk today...

Hermans Hermits...
No, no postings today (or yesterday) as it's simply too hot to sit behind a screen: 30 °C, at 80 or 90% humidity... Pffft.
Luckily it will be just 18 °C asof Monday... It's all or nothing over here.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Enterprise Security VI: Bolts and Nuts

The Oracle Certificate Authority is one of the things I will need for Single Sign On; in Oracle, this means having a certificate in your electronic wallet, signed by a trusted autority, to ensure you are who you claim to be.
That means, I have to request a certificate with an authority (that would be... me!). Let's see how things look; there are two entries; a user, and an administrative one.
The user OCA site shows the option to install the server certificate to be installed in my browser:

This is an Authority Certificate, a base, that will be used to verify that other certificates from this site are genuine.
Now let's take a look at the administrative side; it looks asif we need to generate yet another certificate:

Not much I can do, than to go ahead with it, so click on Click here:

Okay - that was not difficult - install the certificate, and we're done.

If I now go back to the /oca/admin page, I can query the certificates, issued by this authority:

As you can see, the first one is the one generated during the installation, and it's a certificate that can be used to sign other certificates, or CRL's (Certificate Revokation Lists).
The second certificate is the server certificate, and it's meant to identifiy the server ( The third is similar, but for the client (which happens to reside on the same machine...).
The fourth certificate is the one I just created as part of the OCA setup, and will identify me as administrator of this Authority. To prove that, I went back to the user part of OCA, and used the second option (use your certificate) to authenticate. In stead of 'server did not accept certificate' I now get this presented:

Four - nill for me, I'd say... At least, that part of the deal works: I can now request and authorize (sign) digital certificates. And I will need that ability to sign certificate requests from ... me. Eehrm - make that 'any of my employees', working here, at CarrotSoft, Inc.

Getting a Server Certificate.

OK - time for configurations. First of all, I need to make it possible for the server to validate against a wallet. In order to do that, I need to create a wallet, and need a server DN certificate. Let's pull up the OCA screen, and display the details of certificate #1, the trusted Van Bortel Certificate authority. Also fire up the Oracle Wallet Manager, using the own command in a vnc window. Open a new Wallet, provide a password, but do not request a certificate yet.
From your web browser, copy all of the letter garbage under the header Base-64 Encoded Certificate with CA certificate chain, including the '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----' and '-----END CERTIFICATE-----'.
Switch to the Wallet Manager, from the menu, select Operations, Import Trusted Certificate, Paste the certificate:

It is all about the certificate authority; the Van Bortel Certificate Authority should be added:

Of course, in real life situations you should get your certificates with a genuine authority, but for internal, or test use, why should you? This step was only necessary, because I do my own signing, and I trust myself to know me to voutch for me that I am me.
Now, let's request a certificate; still using the Wallet manager on the server, choose Operations, Add Certificate Request. I use the Advanced CN, and filled in CN=o10gR1, CN=OracleContext, DC=nl, DC=cs. The Certificate property will change from Empty to Requested.
Highlight the Certificate entry, and the right hand panel will show a similar letter gobblygook as before: it is the server's encrypted request. Copy the request, again: from, and including the first hyphen, upto and including the last hyphen.

In the OCA web browser window, that is still open, press the OK button. Press the 'Request a Certificate' button in the upper right corner. Paste the certificate request in the PKCS#10 field, fill in the contact information, and press the submit button.
Nothing is going to happen with the contact information - it is just information the human administrator can use if questions arise about the request - no part of it will be incorporated into the certificate.
You will see something like:
Your certificate request is accepted. Administrator will contact you for certificate issuance.
  1. Your request ID is "4".
  2. Please use this request ID for future reference.
Open a web browser page to the admin pages: https://csdb01:4400/oca/admin. The request with number 4 appears - click on details, and approved the request.

Youwill see:
Certificate Request is approved.
  1. The serial number of the issued certificate is "5".
  2. Requestor Name:frank.van.bortel
  3. Requestor E-Mail
Show the details of certificate #5, copy the encrypted data, and in the Wallet manager, paste it, using the Operation, Import User Certificate, Paste the Certificate.
In the Wallet manager, the Certificate status should change from Requested to Ready.

Enterprise Security V: Infrastructure wrap up

Following the infrastucture installations, I should now be able to see my database server on the internet, or rather: intranet - a firewall should protect that machine from alien contacts. Fooling around, I found the certificate autority was not active. It has to be hand started; and after that still does not start, or restart, using the HTML interface:

/o/ias10/oca/bin/ocactl start

I suddenly am the proud owner of a farm. Oracle could have warned me; I'm not into early retirement -yet-!

I expected to see that OracleAS somewhere - here it is. Let's see if I can get the lot to use somewhat less of my precious memory, not present in abundancy. After all, I have just a test box with one occasional user (me!), and I do not need (semi-) production settings with which the Oracle Application Server obviously comes default.

I mean, just looks at the memory usage of the http server alone: 133MB! Let's go over the configuration by using the HTTP Server link, and selecting the Administration tab.
Follow the 'Advanced Server Properties' link which gives you an overview of all configurations files. Click on the ones you want to edit:

I started with httpd.conf, and changed some lines; here's a diff output:

[oracle10@csdb01 conf]$ diff httpd.conf httpd.conf.smibak
<> MaxKeepAliveRequests 100
<> MaxClients 150
<> MaxRequestsPerChild 0
< # AddLanguage et .ee --- > # AddLanguage et .ee
< # AddLanguage it .it --- > # AddLanguage it .it
< # LanguagePriority ar en da nl et fi fr de el it ja ko kr no pl pt pt-br ro ru ltz ca es sk sv th tr zh-cn zh-tw zh-cn --- >%2

Basically - I do not want so many processes to start up front, and I do not need support for other languages than English and Dutch, with the corresponding characterset, ISO8859P1. All others are commented out by means of a number sign (#) in column 1.
Restart the httpd server, and now that component uses just 23MB - a reduction of over 75%! I can live with that.

Watch out...

Behold the two entries in a tnsnames.ora file:

(description =
(address=(protocol=BEQ)(PROGRAM = ORACLE)

Seems pretty straightforward, not? Yet, one entry works, and the other does not:
C:\>tnsping frank

TNS Ping Utility for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production on 26-MAY-20 05 10:18:45

Copyright (c) 1997 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

Used parameter files:

Used TNSNAMES adapter to resolve the alias
Attempting to contact (description = (address=(protocol=BEQ)(PROGRAM = ORACLE) (
TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error

C:\>tnsping frankie

TNS Ping Utility for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production on 26-MAY-2005 10:20:52

Copyright (c) 1997 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

Used parameter files:

Used TNSNAMES adapter to resolve the alias
Attempting to contact (DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = BEQ)(PROGRAM=oracle)
OK (30 msec)
This is Windows/2000.

Remarkable trivia

FLAP and DG-031

Having a genetic change in your FLAP gene causes the chance to get a cardiac arrest (cardiac infarct) to double. Cholesterol just increases the same chance by 1.6. Iceland scientists have found this [Journal of the American Medical Association, 2005-05-11]. FLAP (or 5-lipoxygenase-activating protein) increases production of leukotrieen B, a substance that causes veins to inflammate. 30% of a large group of heart patients in the USA also suffered from high levels of leukotrieen; it is suspected to cause heart diseases in other regions than Iceland as well.
DG-031 was found to be effective: 26% reduction, causes 20% less heart tissue to deteriorate over three years.

The Fastest Flower on Earth

The Canadian cornus (cornus canadensis) has the fastest flower [Nature, 2005-05-12] on earth: it opens in less than 1 millisecond, to release pollen. Acceleration is 2400G to 3.1 m/s, the flower leaves turn aside with a speed of 6.7 m/s. Pollen reaches a height of about 2.5 cm, or ten times the height of the flower itself.
This movement is faster than the opening of Impatiens pallida (2.8-5.2 ms), the shutting of the Venus flycathing flower (Dionaea muscipula - 100ms), even faster than animals: a jumping cicade (Philaenus spumarius: 0.5-1 ms), or the catching preying mantis (Odontodactylus scyllarus: 2.7 ms)

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Enterprise Security IV: The Application Server Infrastructure installation

Time to get the installer on the server back up! Choose the Infrastructure install, followed by Identity Management (I already installed the Repository). After some checks (not all values meet the requirements), finally the options screen pops up.
Choose the following:

Make sure to include the Certificate Authority - omitting it here means installation in another oracle_home later... I use automatic port assignment. Entering details about the repository; note the remark about how the repository should not be registered...

I'll accept the namespace - it's what I use internally (, even though it causes a threat. If I had to do my internal network again, I would choose a really non existant domain, like cs.home, or vanbortel.home. After all - there is a possibility, someone else might like
For now, I'll be my own Certificate Autority :)

One slight error in the above picture: you cannot have a comma in your Distinguished Name!
Oracle Certificate Authority administrator gets a password of welcome1, as does the ias_admin. The Oracle Application Server instance I called OracleAS. I think we will see that in Enterprise Manager, lateron.
Finally, the installation is about to start:

Note the 1.1GB space needed, and 227 (!) products, that are about to be installed... After a while,and after running the script that does a lot:
Entering Oracle Internet Directory Root Installation Section

OiD Server Installation
Checking LDAP binary file protections
Setting oidmon file protections
Setting oidldapd file protections
Setting oidrepld file protections
Setting oidpasswd file protections
Setting oidemdpasswd file protections
Setting file protections
Setting remtool file protections
Setting oiddiag file protections
Setting oiddt file protections
Leaving Oracle Internet Directory Root Installation Section
and some (22!) configuration assistants, the final screen appears, with the links to be used for maintenance.

And am I glad I did not have to type all this:

Output generated from configuration assistant "Unlock Metadata Repository Schemas Configuration Assistant.":
Schema Unlocked : ODSSchema Unlocked : DCM
Schema Unlocked : OCA
Schema Unlocked : DSGATEWAY
Schema Unlocked : UDDISYSSchema Unlocked : DISCOVERER5
Schema Unlocked : WIRELESS
Schema Unlocked : ORASSO
Schema Unlocked : ORASSO_PUBLIC
Schema Unlocked : ORASSO_PSSchema Unlocked : ORASSO_DS
Schema Unlocked : ORASSO_PA
Schema Unlocked : PORTAL
Schema Unlocked : PORTAL_PUBLICSchema Unlocked : PORTAL_APP
Schema Unlocked : PORTAL_DEMO
Schema Unlocked : OWF_MGR
Schema Unlocked : WKSYS
Schema Unlocked : WKPROXY
Schema Unlocked : ORAOCA_PUBLICSchema Unlocked : WCRSYS
Schema Unlocked : B2B
The config tool succeeded. See the log file /o/ias10/config/infratool_unlock_schema.log for more details.
Configuration assistant "Unlock Metadata Repository Schemas Configuration Assistant." succeeded
Output generated from configuration assistant "Oracle Net Configuration Assistant":
Parsing command line arguments:
Parameter "orahome" = /o/ias10
Parameter "orahnam" = oracleas1
Parameter "responsefile" = /o/ias10/network/install/netca_asinstall.rsp
Done parsing command line arguments.
Oracle Net Services Configuration:Default local naming configuration complete.
Created net service name: o10gR1
Profile configuration complete.
Oracle Net Services configuration successful. The exit code is 0
Configuration assistant "Oracle Net Configuration Assistant" succeeded
Output generated from configuration assistant "HTTP Server Configuration Assistant":

Configuration assistant "HTTP Server Configuration Assistant" succeeded
Output generated from configuration assistant "OC4J Configuration Assistant":
Configuration assistant "OC4J Configuration Assistant" succeeded
Output generated from configuration assistant "Java Security Configuration Assistant":
Invoking command:/o/ias10/dcm/bin/dcmctl resyncInstancestatus = 0
Dcmctl resyncInstance completed successfullyOracle JAAS [Tue May 24 19:20:18 CEST 2005] admin password is changed successfully
Invoking command:/o/ias10/dcm/bin/dcmctl updateConfigstatus = 0
Oracle JAAS [Tue May 24 19:20:28 CEST 2005] password change is propagated successfully
Please check the log file [/o/ias10/cfgtoollogs/jaznca.log] for details.
Configuration assistant "Java Security Configuration Assistant" succeeded
Output generated from configuration assistant "OracleAS Instance Configuration Assistant":

Configuration assistant "OracleAS Instance Configuration Assistant" succeeded
Output generated from configuration assistant "Internet Directory Configuration Assistant":
-> LOADING: /o/ias10/ldap/install/> LOADING: /o/ias10/ldap/install/oidconfig1.sbscsdb01_o10gr1Oracle Internet Directory Configuration completed successfully.
Configuration assistant "Internet Directory Configuration Assistant" succeeded
Output generated from configuration assistant "Directory Integration Platform Configuration Assistant":
Registering for the first time...Directory Integration Platform Configuration completed successfully.
Configuration assistant "Directory Integration Platform Configuration Assistant" succeeded
Output generated from configuration assistant "Infrastructure Schema Configuration Assistant":
-> LOADING: /o/ias10/config/iasrepo.ldifThe config tool succeeded. See the log file /o/ias10/config/schemaload.log for more details.
Configuration assistant "Infrastructure Schema Configuration Assistant" succeeded
Output generated from configuration assistant "Infrastructure Instance Configuration Assistant":
The config tool succeeded. See the log file /o/ias10/config/infratool_instance_jazn.log for more details.
Configuration assistant "Infrastructure Instance Configuration Assistant" succeeded
Output generated from configuration assistant "Oracle Application Server Randomize Password":
Warning! Schema not found OEM_REPOSITORYPassword randomization succeeded for schema DSGATEWAYPassword randomization succeeded for schema UDDISYSPassword randomization succeeded for schema WIRELESSPassword randomization succeeded for schema PORTALPassword randomization succeeded for schema PORTAL_PUBLICPassword randomization succeeded for schema ORASSOPassword randomization succeeded for schema ORASSO_PUBLICPassword randomization succeeded for schema ORASSO_PSPassword randomization succeeded for schema ORASSO_PAPassword randomization succeeded for schema ORASSO_DSPassword randomization succeeded for schema DCMPassword randomization succeeded for schema OCAPassword randomization succeeded for schema ORAOCA_PUBLICPassword randomization succeeded for schema DISCOVERER5Password randomization succeeded for schema PORTAL_DEMOPassword randomization succeeded for schema WKSYSPassword randomization succeeded for schema WKPROXYPassword randomization succeeded for schema PORTAL_APPPassword randomization succeeded for schema OWF_MGRPassword randomization succeeded for schema WCRSYSPassword randomization succeeded for schema B2B
Configuration assistant "Oracle Application Server Randomize Password" succeeded
Output generated from configuration assistant "Single Sign-On Configuration Assistant":
CLASSPATH=/o/ias10/jlib/repository.jar:/o/ias10/sso/lib/ossoca.jar:/o/ias10/lib/xmlparserv2.jar:/o/ias10/jdbc/lib/classes12.jar:/o/ias10/jdbc/lib/nls_charset12.jar:/o/ias10/jlib/jndi.jar:/o/ias10/jlib/ojmisc.jar:/o/ias10/j2ee/home/jazn.jar:/o/ias10/j2ee/home/jaas.jar:/o/ias10/jdk/lib/rt.jar:/o/ias10/jdk/lib/i18n.jar:.:/o/ias10/sysman/webapps/emd/WEB-INF/lib/emd.jar:/o/ias10/dcm/lib/dcm.jar:/o/ias10/sysman/webapps/emd/WEB-INF/lib/portalSMI.jar:/o/ias10/jlib/emConfigInstall.jar:/o/ias10/lib/dms.jar:/o/ias10/opmn/lib/ons.jar:/o/ias10/j2ee/home/oc4j.jar:/o/ias10/jlib/ojmisc.jar:/o/ias10/j2ee/home/jaznplugin.jar:/o/ias10/sysman/webapps/emd/WEB-INF/lib/click-agent.jar:/o/ias10/sso/conf:/o/ias10/sysman/webapps/emd/WEB-INF/lib/disco_dsc_smi.jar:/o/ias10/sysman/webapps/emd/WEB-INF/lib/f90em.jarParameters passed to ssoca : param0:config param1:/o/ias10 param2:cn=orcladmin param3:***** param4:"AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8ISO8859P1" param5:http param7:7777 param8:en
Tue May 24 19:23:16 CEST 2005
Parameters received by ssoca : param0:config param1:/o/ias10 param2:cn=orcladmin param3:***** param4:"AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8ISO8859P1" param5:http param7:7777 param8:en Content of ssoca config file is :
-- listing properties --
config_em_integ=trueACTION by SSOConfigAssistant :
/o/ias10/bin/sqlplus orasso/*****@"cn=o10gr1,cn=oraclecontext"
@/o/ias10/sso/admin/plsql/sso/ssoseedi.sql http 777
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Tue May 24 19:23:20 2005

Copyright (c) 1982, 2004, Oracle. All rights reserved.

SQL> Connected.
SQL> SQL> exit;
Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
ACTION by SSOConfigAssistant :
/o/ias10/bin/sqlplus orasso/*****@"cn=o10gr1,cn=oraclecontext"
@/o/ias10/sso/admin/plsql/sso/ssooidd.sql 3131 "cn=orcladmin" ***** Y
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Tue May 24 19:23:25 2005

Copyright (c) 1982, 2004, Oracle. All rights reserved.

SQL> Connected.
SQL> Creating OID entries for SSO
Deleted cn=component
Deleted cn=associated
Application Process entry created in OID
SSO application entry added to OracleSecurityAdmins grp
SSO application entry added to verifierServices grp
OID information set
Users Search Base DN refreshed:cn=users,dc=cs,dc=nl
Global Group Search Base DN refreshed:cn=groups,dc=cs,dc=nl
User Nickname Attribute refreshed:uid
Subscriber Nickname Attribute refreshed:dc
DAS Host Name refreshed:
Change Password URL refreshed:oiddas/ui/oracle/ldap/das/mypage/AppChgPwdMyPage
Profile URL refreshed:oiddas/ui/oracle/ldap/das/mypage/AppViewMyPage
Create User URL refreshed:oiddas/ui/oracle/ldap/das/user/AppCreateUserInfoAdmin
Edit User URL refreshed:oiddas/ui/oracle/ldap/das/user/AppEditUserAdmin
Delete User URL refreshed:oiddas/ui/oracle/ldap/das/user/AppDeleteUserAdmin
User LOV URL refreshed:oiddas/ui/oracle/ldap/das/search/LOVUserSearch
Create Group URL
Edit Group URL refreshed:oiddas/ui/oracle/ldap/das/group/AppEditGroupAdmin
Delete Group URL refreshed:oiddas/ui/oracle/ldap/das/group/AppDeleteGroupAdmin
Group LOV URL refreshed:oiddas/ui/oracle/ldap/das/search/LOVGroupSearch
People Search URL refreshed:oiddas/ui/oracle/ldap/das/search/AppUserSearch
Directory Administration URL refreshed:oiddas/ui/oiddashome
Local OID cache refreshed
PUBLIC user entry exists

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

*** Refreshing WWC OID cache....***
Users Search Base DN refreshed:cn=users,dc=cs,dc=nl
Global Group Search Base DN refreshed:cn=groups,dc=cs,dc=nl
User Nickname Attribute refreshed:uid
Subscriber Nickname Attribute refreshed:dc
DAS Host Name refreshed:
Change Password URL refreshed:oiddas/ui/oracle/ldap/das/mypage/AppChgPwdMyPage
Profile URL refreshed:oiddas/ui/oracle/ldap/das/mypage/AppViewMyPage
Create User URL refreshed:oiddas/ui/oracle/ldap/das/user/AppCreateUserInfoAdmin
Edit User URL refreshed:oiddas/ui/oracle/ldap/das/user/AppEditUserAdmin
Delete User URL refreshed:oiddas/ui/oracle/ldap/das/user/AppDeleteUserAdmin
User LOV URL refreshed:oiddas/ui/oracle/ldap/das/search/LOVUserSearch
Create Group URL
Edit Group URL refreshed:oiddas/ui/oracle/ldap/das/group/AppEditGroupAdmin
Delete Group URL refreshed:oiddas/ui/oracle/ldap/das/group/AppDeleteGroupAdmin
Group LOV URL refreshed:oiddas/ui/oracle/ldap/das/search/LOVGroupSearch
People Search URL refreshed:oiddas/ui/oracle/ldap/das/search/AppUserSearch
Directory Administration URL refreshed:oiddas/ui/oiddashome
*** Updating Default Subscriber entry...***
Default Subscriber DN: dc=cs,dc=nl
Default Subscriber GUID: F7DE6A3E30B45008E030A8C0C701615A
Subscriber Naming attribute: dc
Default Subscriber Name: cs
*** Resetting user DN and GUID information ...***

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

No errors.
Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
NLS_LANG character set = WE8ISO8859P1
NLS_LANG param = AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8ISO8859P1/o/ias10/jdk/bin/java-cp
OracleAS.csdb01.cs.nl_Single Sign-On:orassoSetting the AS product version value in targets.xml to be "".
Calling method getASTargetInfo.
getASTargetInfo: oracleHome = "/o/ias10".
getASTargetInfo: iasName = "".
getASTargetInfo: iAS Target Type = "oracle_ias".getASTargetInfo: StatusURL value = "".
Retrieved SSO protocol, host, and port info from targets.xml.
The values are: "".
The following values will be used to configure the sso_server target entry in targets.xml.
Protocol: "http".
Hostname: "".
Port: "7777"./o/ias10/jdk/bin/java
/o/ias10/sso/sso_server_target2add.xmlConfiguring SSO languages with the following language code:
us Language us is already installed.
About to execute java call using emConfigInstall.jar.
Here are the arguments:
/o/ias10/sso/conf/consoleConfigSNSegment.xmlFinished executing the call.Child Process has exited.
SSO Configuration Assistant finished successfully.
Configuration assistant "Single Sign-On Configuration Assistant" succeeded
Output generated from configuration assistant "Delegated Administration Service Configuration Assistant":
Delegated Administration Service Configuration completed successfully.
Configuration assistant "Delegated Administration Service Configuration Assistant" succeeded
Output generated from configuration assistant "Infrastructure mod_osso Configuration Assistant":
JAAS: Use system property "ORACLE_HOME".
JAAS: System property oracle.home not defined.
JAAS: System property oracle.j2ee.home not defined.JAAS: J2EE_HOME=/o/ias10/j2ee/home
JAAS: Verify oracle.home=/o/ias10
JAAS: Verify file=/o/ias10/j2ee/home/config/jazn.xml
JAAS: Bootstrap jazn.xml @/o/ias10/j2ee/home/config/jazn.xml
JAAS: Configuration file=/o/ias10/j2ee/home/config/jazn.xml
JAAS: Configuration file=/o/ias10/j2ee/home/config/jazn.xmlJAAS: Configuration properties={location=./jazn-data.xml, provider.type=XML}
JAAS: Configuration properties={location=./jazn-data.xml, deployment.url=file:/o/ias10/j2ee/home/config/jazn.xml, provider.type=XML}
JAAS: default jazn.xml @ /o/ias10/j2ee/home/config/jazn.xml : [JAZNConfig file:/o/ias10/j2ee/home/config/jazn.xml]
JAAS: Verify file=config/jazn.xml
JAAS: Configuration file=config/jazn.xml
JAAS: Configuration file=config/jazn.xml
JAAS: Configuration properties={location=/o/ias10/config/jazn-data.xml, provider.type=XML}
JAAS: Configuration properties={location=/o/ias10/config/jazn-data.xml, deployment.url=file:/o/ias10/config/jazn.xml, provider.type=XML}
JAAS-LDAP: ldap.user=null
JAAS-CA: ldap.user=null
JAAS-CA: oidPort=3060 sslport=3131 sslonly=false oraHome=/o/ias10JAAS-CA: default realm=cs
JAAS: Configuration properties={ldap.user=orclApplicationCommonName=jaznadmin1,cn=JAZNContext,cn=products,cn=OracleContext, ldap.password=!+u-|tx-0"C?e~D|{, realm.default=cs, provider.type=LDAP}JAAS: Configuration file=/o/ias10/config/jazn.xml
JAAS: Configuration file=/o/ias10/config/jazn.xml
JAAS: Configuration properties={location=/o/ias10/config/jazn-data.xml, provider.type=XML}
JAAS: Configuration properties={location=/o/ias10/config/jazn-data.xml, deployment.url=file:/o/ias10/config/jazn.xml, provider.type=XML}Modosso command line: /o/ias10/jdk/bin/java -jar /o/ias10/sso/lib/ossoreg.jar -site_name -mod_osso_url -config_mod_osso TRUE -oracle_home_path /o/ias10 -u oracle10 -config_file /o/ias10/Apache/Apache/conf/osso/osso.conf -admin_info cn=orcladminThe config tool succeeded. See the log file /o/ias10/config/infratool_mod_osso.log for more details.
Configuration assistant "Infrastructure mod_osso Configuration Assistant" succeeded
Output generated from configuration assistant "OracleAS Certificate Authority Configuration Assistant":
OCA Jazn configuration installed.
Password store created.

OCA configuration information changed.

Distinguished Name:CN=Van Bortel Certificate Authority,OU=BIOS,O=CarrotSoft Inc,C=NL

CA certificate generated successfully.
Distinguished,OU=BIOS,O=CarrotSoft Inc,C=NL

CA SSL Server wallet saved (/o/ias10/oca/wallet/ssl/ewallet.p12)
Distinguished Name:CN=oca1,CN=OCA,CN=PKI,CN=Products,CN=OracleContext

LDAP Server wallet saved (/o/ias10/oca/wallet/ldap/ewallet.p12)
Oracle Certificate Authority configuration tool finished successfully
Configuration assistant "OracleAS Certificate Authority Configuration Assistant" succeeded
Output generated from configuration assistant "OC4J Instance Configuration Assistant":

Reading ini file - '/o/ias10/j2ee/deploy.ini'Adding web-app 'wirelesssso-web.war' for app 'wirelesssso'.Adding web-app 'web.war' for app 'sso'.
Adding web-app 'ssohelp.war' for app 'sso'.
OC4J instance 'OC4J_SECURITY': Adding java stop command line option '-server'
OC4J instance 'OC4J_SECURITY': Adding java command line option '-Xmx512m'
OC4J instance 'OC4J_SECURITY': Adding Environment variable 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' with value '/o/ias10/lib32:/o/ias10/lib'
OC4J instance 'OC4J_SECURITY': Adding Environment variable 'DISPLAY' with value ''Adding web-app 'oca.war' for app 'ocaapp'.
OC4J instance 'oca': Adding java stop command line option '-Doracle.home=/o/ias10'
OC4J instance 'oca': Adding java stop command line option '-Djava.awt.headless=true'
OC4J instance 'oca': Adding java stop command line option '-Doracle.ons.oraclehome=/o/ias10'
OC4J instance 'oca': Adding java stop command line option '-DORACLE_HOME=/o/ias10'
OC4J instance 'oca': Adding java stop command line option ''
OC4J instance 'oca': Adding java command line option '-Xmx256M'
OC4J instance 'oca': Adding java stop command line option '-Djava.library.path=/o/ias10/lib32:/o/ias10/lib:/o/ias10/jlib:/o/ias10/oca/lib'
Adding web-app 'ui.war' for app 'oiddas'.
Ignoring jvm command-line option '-Xmx512m'. Larger heap already specified with '-Xmx512m'
OC4J instance 'OC4J_SECURITY': Env Option 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' already exists with value '/o/ias10/lib32:/o/ias10/lib'
Initializing DCM..done.
Creating OC4J instance 'oca' (unprotected)..done.Appending security configuration from '/o/ias10/oca/conf/ocajava2.policy' to java2.policy file...done.
Creating OC4J instance 'OC4J_SECURITY' (protected)..done.Adding dependent libraries for application 'default'..done.
Calling SMI to save changes.SMISession.saveChanges succeeded.
Starting OC4J instance 'oca'..done.
Deploying application 'ocaapp' to OC4J instance 'oca'.Notification ==> Application Deployer for ocaapp STARTS [ 2005-05-24T19:26:33.809CEST ]
Notification ==> Undeploy previous deployment
Notification ==> Removing files for app file:/o/ias10/j2ee/oca/applications/ocaapp.ear
Notification ==> Copy the archive to /o/ias10/j2ee/oca/applications/ocaapp.ear
Notification ==> Unpack ocaapp.ear begins...
Notification ==> Unpack ocaapp.ear ends...
Notification ==> Initialize ocaapp.ear begins...
Notification ==> Initialize ocaapp.ear ends...
Notification ==> Initialize oca begins...
Notification ==> Initialize oca ends...
Notification ==> deleting: /o/ias10/j2ee/oca/applications/ocaapp.ear
Notification ==> deleting: /o/ias10/j2ee/oca/applications/ocaapp/oca.war
Notification ==> Application Deployer for ocaapp COMPLETES [ 2005-05-24T19:26:34.324CEST ]

Starting OC4J instance 'OC4J_SECURITY'..done.
Deploying application 'wirelesssso' to OC4J instance 'OC4J_SECURITY'.Notification ==> Application Deployer for wirelesssso STARTS [ 2005-05-24T19:26:46.741CEST ]
Notification ==> Undeploy previous deployment
Notification ==> Removing files for app file:/o/ias10/j2ee/OC4J_SECURITY/applications/wirelesssso.ear
Notification ==> Copy the archive to /o/ias10/j2ee/OC4J_SECURITY/applications/wirelesssso.ear
Notification ==> Unpack wirelesssso.ear begins...
Notification ==> Unpack wirelesssso.ear ends...
Notification ==> Initialize wirelesssso.ear begins...
Notification ==> Initialize wirelesssso.ear ends...
Notification ==> Initialize wirelesssso-web begins...
Notification ==> Initialize wirelesssso-web ends...
Notification ==> deleting: /o/ias10/j2ee/OC4J_SECURITY/applications/wirelesssso.ear
Notification ==> deleting: /o/ias10/j2ee/OC4J_SECURITY/applications/wirelesssso/wirelesssso-web.war
Notification ==> Application Deployer for wirelesssso COMPLETES [ 2005-05-24T19:26:47.151CEST ]

Deploying application 'oiddas' to OC4J instance 'OC4J_SECURITY'.Notification ==> Application Deployer for oiddas STARTS [ 2005-05-24T19:26:48.416CEST ]
Notification ==> Undeploy previous deployment
Notification ==> Removing files for app file:/o/ias10/j2ee/OC4J_SECURITY/applications/oiddas.ear
Notification ==> Copy the archive to /o/ias10/j2ee/OC4J_SECURITY/applications/oiddas.ear
Notification ==> Unpack oiddas.ear begins...
Notification ==> Unpack oiddas.ear ends...
Notification ==> Initialize oiddas.ear begins...
Notification ==> Initialize oiddas.ear ends...
Notification ==> Initialize ui begins...
Notification ==> Initialize ui ends...
Notification ==> deleting: /o/ias10/j2ee/OC4J_SECURITY/applications/oiddas.ear
Notification ==> deleting: /o/ias10/j2ee/OC4J_SECURITY/applications/oiddas/ui.war
Notification ==> Application Deployer for oiddas COMPLETES [ 2005-05-24T19:26:51.855CEST ]

Deploying application 'sso' to OC4J instance 'OC4J_SECURITY'.Notification ==> Application Deployer for sso STARTS [ 2005-05-24T19:26:52.546CEST ]
Notification ==> Undeploy previous deployment
Notification ==> Removing files for app file:/o/ias10/j2ee/OC4J_SECURITY/applications/sso.ear
Notification ==> Copy the archive to /o/ias10/j2ee/OC4J_SECURITY/applications/sso.ear
Notification ==> Unpack sso.ear begins...
Notification ==> Unpack sso.ear ends...
Notification ==> Initialize sso.ear begins...
Notification ==> Initialize sso.ear ends...
Notification ==> Initialize ssohelp begins...
Notification ==> Initialize ssohelp ends...
Notification ==> Initialize web begins...
Notification ==> Initialize web ends...
Notification ==> deleting: /o/ias10/j2ee/OC4J_SECURITY/applications/sso.ear
Notification ==> deleting: /o/ias10/j2ee/OC4J_SECURITY/applications/sso/ssohelp.war
Notification ==> deleting: /o/ias10/j2ee/OC4J_SECURITY/applications/sso/web.war
Notification ==> Application Deployer for sso COMPLETES [ 2005-05-24T19:26:53.175CEST ]

Calling updateConfig to notify DCM of new deployments..done.Adding dependent libraries for application 'ocaapp'..done.
Adding OC4J mount points for application 'wirelesssso'..done.
Adding OC4J mount points for application 'oiddas'...done.
Adding dependent libraries for application 'sso'..done.
Adding OC4J mount points for application 'sso'...done.
Calling SMI to save changes.SMISession.saveChanges succeeded.
Binding web app 'oca' to default-web-site for application 'ocaapp' in OC4J instance 'oca'Web app 'oca' bound successfully.
Binding web app 'wirelesssso-web' to default-web-site for application 'wirelesssso' in OC4J instance 'OC4J_SECURITY'Web app 'wirelesssso-web' bound successfully.
Binding web app 'ui' to default-web-site for application 'oiddas' in OC4J instance 'OC4J_SECURITY'Web app 'ui' bound successfully.
Binding web app 'web' to default-web-site for application 'sso' in OC4J instance 'OC4J_SECURITY'Web app 'web' bound successfully.
Binding web app 'ssohelp' to default-web-site for application 'sso' in OC4J instance 'OC4J_SECURITY'Web app 'ssohelp' bound successfully.
Calling updateConfig to notify DCM of new web-bindings..done.
Adding application 'ocaapp' to the DCM repository..done.
Application 'ocaapp' deployed successfully.
Stopping OC4J instance 'oca'..done.
Adding application 'wirelesssso' to the DCM repository..done.
Application 'wirelesssso' deployed successfully.
Adding application 'oiddas' to the DCM repository..done.
Application 'oiddas' deployed successfully.
Adding application 'sso' to the DCM repository..done.
Application 'sso' deployed successfully.
Stopping OC4J instance 'OC4J_SECURITY'..done.
Calling SMI to retry init of failed plugins...done.Copying /o/ias10/j2ee/deploy.ini to /o/ias10/j2ee/deploy.ini.1116955674238.bak.
Writing any undeployed entries back to /o/ias10/j2ee/deploy.ini.

Oc4jDeploy tool completed successfully!

Configuration assistant "OC4J Instance Configuration Assistant" succeeded
Output generated from configuration assistant "OPMN Configuration Assistant - start HTTP Server":
opmnctl: starting opmn managed processes...
Configuration assistant "OPMN Configuration Assistant - start HTTP Server" succeeded
Output generated from configuration assistant "OPMN Configuration Assistant - start DAS Instance":
opmnctl: starting opmn managed processes...
Configuration assistant "OPMN Configuration Assistant - start DAS Instance" succeeded
Output generated from configuration assistant "OPMN Configuration Assistant - start OCA Instance":
opmnctl: starting opmn managed processes...
Configuration assistant "OPMN Configuration Assistant - start OCA Instance" succeeded
Output generated from configuration assistant "Register DCM Plug-Ins With EM":
Operation successful.
Configuration assistant "Register DCM Plug-Ins With EM" succeeded
Output generated from configuration assistant "Application Server Control Configuration Assistant":
TZ set to Europe/AmsterdamOracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application Server Control Release
Copyright (c) 1996, 2004 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Starting Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application Server Control .. started successfully.
Configuration assistant "Application Server Control Configuration Assistant" succeeded
Output generated from configuration assistant "DCM Repository Backup Assistant":
backup created:
Configuration assistant "DCM Repository Backup Assistant" succeeded